If you do not have a Fast Pass card, the first thing you do is sign up for your Fast Pass at https://www2.usaparkokc.com/okc-airport-parking-fastpass After you receive your card log onto to https://www2.usaparkokc.com/request-day-credits and follow the onscreen prompts.
We offer corporate rates to some of the areas largest employers and others. Here is a partial list: Bank of America/ Merill Lynch Beaver Street Fisheries CSX Everbank Fidelity National / FIS Florida Blue Wells Fargo Sungard If you do not see your company listed or you would like to know more about how it […]
Answer: The cashier and at least one driver are here 24/7. Hard to believe we have customers entering and exiting 23 hours a day. That means the driver is always moving the through the lot. Most of the time, there are at least two driver’s here. For the one hour a day that we typically […]
Answer: Yes, we are open 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.